Ortho Eval Pal

Knee Evaluation with Paul Marquis PT

Neck Compression Evaluation for Myelopathy

3 Tips for Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief

Shoulder Evaluation with @OrthoEvalPal :Greater Tuberosity Fracture

Cervical (Neck) Spine Stiffness: Muscle or Joint?

S1 Nerve Root Compression

Massive Rotator Cuff Tear (Classic signs)

Cervical Nerve Root Compression Evaluation (Marquis Maneuver)

Orthopedic Knee Evaluation with Paul Marquis PT

Ankle Sprain Evaluation with Paul Marquis PT

Rotator Cuff Tear Evaluation with @orthoevalpal

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Evaluation and Treatment

Winging Scapula - Long Thoracic Nerve Palsy Exam

Classic Sign of Hip Arthritis:This is the SIMPLEST test to identify it!

Sciatic Nerve Flossing: Leg Pain Relieved!

Labral Tear Evaluation (Shoulder)

ROOS Test for TOS with Ortho Eval Pal

Neck Pain Evaluation Tips (C7 nerve root)

Hot Packs vs Ice Packs: Explained by Ortho Eval Pal

Pincer lesion: Explained by Paul at Ortho Eval Pal

How to Perform a Lumbar Spine Clearing Evaluation with Paul Marquis PT

Meniscus Tear Evaluation: 5 Most Common Signs and Symptoms

What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

C7 Nerve Root Compression Evaluation with @OrthoEvalPal